dissabte, 23 de setembre del 2017

Dies de ràbia i esperança

Fa dies que no publico res en aquest blog. La força dels esdeveniments, la necessitat de potenciar l'activisme, les reunions, la presència als carrers, les enganxades de cartells i, també, l'estat d'ànim —excitació, ràbia i esperança—, no s'adiuen amb la meva manera d'entendre el consum de vi —sempre calma i reflexiva— ni, encara menys, amb la idea de dedicar temps a escriure les meves reflexions enogràfiques en aquest blog.

El blog tornarà a ser el què era: seguiré escrivint sobre els vins, les vinyes i els pagesos d'aquest país. Però ara no tinc esma de fer-ho. Ara tota la nostra energia l'hem de concentrar en la República que tenim a tocar:
«...acumulant en cadascú la força de tots plegats.»
Amb la idea que tots hi hem d'aportar el tradicional gra de sorra —n'hi ha que hi aporten roques o muntanyes—  jo m'he dedicat a escriure els meus amics i col·legues de tot el món. Per la mena de feina que tinc, al llarg dels anys he estat amb contacte amb persones de moltes nacionalitats. A totes elles els he enviat un missatge de SOS perquè sembla que hem arribar a un punt que l'ajuda exterior serà imprescindible.

He rebut respostes realment emocionants i en vull compartir una amb vosaltres. És la resposta d'un company alemany que conec des de fa molts anys. Les seves paraules em recorden una cosa que no hem d'oblidar mai: la nostra lluita per la llibertat és indestriable de la lluita general i imprescindible contra el feixisme. Mireu com ho explica:

Dear Jaume,
Many thanks for your letter! I feel very very sad, depressed and angered by these antidemocratic fascist actions of the Spanish “government” against the freedom, liberty and fundamental human rights of the Catalan people! It seems the Spanish authorities took of their mask and from behind shines the ugly grimace of Franco.
Moving large portions of the paramilitary army of the Guardia “Civil” into Catalonia not only ignores openly any historical sensitivity, but shows the real aim behind this strategy, namely to supress any freedom of speech, self-determination and autonomy with brute force. But what will be the next step? Arresting politician and journalists and other courageous citizens demonstrating peacefully for their basic rights? Will they follow the path of Franco’s fascist assault troops with tanks and planes?? This openly violates human rights as also manifested in EU law.
The leaders of all the other EU countries need to act immediately and decisively. The actions of the Spanish authorities are not compatible with a modern democracy, and more of the nature of authoritarian corrupt regimes. Fascism and Authoritarianism has no place in a modern democratic Europe (and in fact in the world) and even though the world situation looks very grim, I will never give up hope.
We live in times of madness it seems… but we need to fight for our rights and never compromise them!
As you know, I have been so many times in Barcelona and Catalunya and I feel always very welcome, it is like a second home for me! I have so many close friends and colleagues there. I feel a very strong sense of solidarity in these difficult times! If I would not be in Mexico currently for some weeks, I would go to Barcelona and be on the streets with everyone else!
If these fascist actions of the Spanish authorities will prevail, not only democracy and freedom in Catalunya will die, but in all of Europe including Spain. Resistance against these actions is a fundamental duty for everyone who believes in democracy and freedom. The enemies of freedom and democracies can and will not win if the people resist!
Next time I visit Barcelona (and I hope this this will be very soon) there will be an independent Catalunya in the heart of Europe and the EU!
I will write to the German chancellor (I expect it to be the same after the election on Sunday…) and other political leaders to show solidarity with Catalunya! Maybe I also forward your letter to other friends and colleagues? Here in Mexico many friends who have all been to Barcelona and Catalunya were shocked by the actions of the Spanish authorities.
In these days it is good to remind that democracy and human rights don’t come for free and need constant engagement. And we should never forget the lessons from history. Some time ago a friend and colleague from Turkey wrote me that many academics and journalist were arrested by the Erdogan regime… It can happen very quick that fundamental rights and democracy are abandoned…
With best wishes and greetings of solidarity! No passaran!
All the best from Mexico